Copyright 2008, SKI BUMS.
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Sign up for a trip
Did you just take a trip with SKI BUMS? If so, we want to hear from you. Did you
have fun? Any surprises? Could we have improved anything?

These evaluations and suggestions are
tremendously valuable in helping us to
improve the quality of our trips; some of our best ideas have come from our
members! If you're in a rush, don't feel that you have to complete
every section
below; we'll gladly accept any feedback that you can offer.

These evaluations are submitted anonymously. If you like, you may include
your name, or opt to offer your feedback as a

Thank you in advance for your evaluation!
What trip are you evaluating?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much fun did you have on this SKI BUMS trip?
What was the most enjoyable part of the trip for you, and why?
Please select how strongly you agree with the statements below.
Website / sign up  / information emails
When I visited the SKI BUMS site, I was able to find the information I needed to
decide whether or not to sign up for this trip.
It was easy to sign up for this trip and submit my payment.
The website gave me a good impression of what to expect on this trip.
The confirmation and trip information emails gave me all the info I needed in advance
of the trip.
Trip logistics / leadership
The trip handout flyer / info sheets provided me with the information I needed, in a
clear, easy-to-follow format.
The trip's schedule and itinerary was well-planned, including departure times, lunch
locations, meeting locations, apres ski and return times.
The SKI BUMS staff / volunteers were well-informed.
The logistics of this trip were well-organized.
Atomosphere / social element
The SKI BUMS staff / volunteers were friendly and helpful.
The SKI BUMS staff / volunteers helped to create a fun-loving, friendly social
The other participants helped create a fun-loving, friendly social atmosphere.
I believe that I helped to create a fun-loving social atmosphere.
The social elements of this trip were well-planned.
Your experience
What would you say is the primary reason you joined SKI BUMS?
Overall / additional comments
Overall, was this trip well-organized? How did you really feel about the trip, in general?
If you're evaluating a trip that involved lodging, how did you feel about our
What would you change about this trip, if anything? Any ideas, suggestions, or
constructive criticism that you'd like to share?
Would you recommend SKI BUMS to others? If you were to recommend SKI BUMS to
a friend who was thinking about joining, what would you say? What are your favorite
things about SKI BUMS? What are the best reasons to join?
Would you like to submit this evaluation anonymously?
Yes, I prefer to submit my comments anonymously
I'm happy to share my name:
Optional: Testimonial
If you've chosen to share your name, you may select to submit your comments as a

Click here to see an example of our testimonials >

Your comments may be edited for clarity or space. Your testimonial will feature your
first name, followed by an optional "tagline" that says a little more about you. For

-- Darius, 26-year old grad student, Manhattan
-- Sue, graphic designer and food fanatic, Brooklyn
SKI BUMS may use my comments as a testimonial
If you select this, please provide a tagline:
I would prefer to offer a testimonial on a separate form >
Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation! Your feedback and
comments are very much appreciated!